Design of activities based on active strategies, applied in hours of autonomous work


  • Gladys Farías Díaz
  • Elena Mattus Araya
  • Danitza Araneda Toledo
  • Margarita Aravena Gaete



Active Strategies, Autonomous work, Mediated Activities


The decrease in self-regulation skills and the learning process, typical of the current student, leads us to implement an innovation whose objective is to promote autonomous work to promote significant and permanent learning. The methodology used was qualitative based on a case study in a private university in Chile. Activities based on active learning strategies were implemented for autonomous work hours, with the aim of improving academic performance through employment. These activities were applied to first-year students in the introductory algebra subject in the Engineering and Commercial Engineering baccalaureates. The results of the implementation of the strategies made it possible to demonstrate the need to innovate in the teaching-learning process of mathematics. 100% of teachers considered an improvement in student performance and 66% of students perceived it as help in their educational process. It is concluded that the strategies contained in the dossier promote significant learning, contributing to academic performance, increasing teacher participation and reinforcing student commitment.


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How to Cite

Farías Díaz, G., Mattus Araya, E. ., Araneda Toledo, D., & Aravena Gaete, M. (2024). Design of activities based on active strategies, applied in hours of autonomous work. Revista Iberoamericana De Investigación En Educación, (8).