Strengthening oral communication skills, through active strategies, for graphic design students
Active strategies, oral communication, life skills, comprehensive professional, continuous improvementAbstract
The higher education institution presents a situation that affects students in their future exercise, to function as professionals trained in the design and development of solutions in areas of visual communication. Given this, there is a need to develop oral communication skills that strengthen presentations and graphic proposals of future designers. Classroom observation, teaching perception, documentary analysis and student appreciation determine the need to strengthen oral communication skills complemented by specialty skills, generating a comprehensive professional. From there the question arises: What learning strategies can strengthen oral communication competence, contributing to the improvement of performance in the world of work of graphic design students, belonging to the School of Design, Art and Communication of the Rancagua headquarters? This project seeks to enhance these skills, through active learning strategies, improving their work performance, resulting in students reflecting on the importance of good communication and achieving a change in perception, in relation to the role of oral communication, where the new tools acquired allow the generation of a clear, precise and strategic message, oriented towards a communication purpose.