Attention to diversity from the training of Early Education teachers


  • Johanna Mercedes Cabrera Vintimilla
  • Mariela Alexandra Pillajo Tufiño
  • Johanna Elizabeth Garrido Sacán
  • Agnese Bosisio



Diversity, Initial Education, Teacher Training, Inclusive Culture


The training of teachers in the Early Childhood Education career requires the appropriation of an inclusive approach that makes it possible to generate actions that respect diversity, which will contribute to an inclusive society that guarantees flexible and quality education from an early age; Therefore, the curriculum constitutes an essential element for teacher training. The objective of this research was to analyze the presence of attention to diversity in the curricula of two public universities in the South of Ecuador that train Early Education teachers. A qualitative methodology was used, with a critical paradigm, of descriptive scope and two curricular frameworks were analyzed through documentary analysis. The results indicate that diversity is only present in the seventh cycle of the two universities and is not evident in other academic cycles. It concludes by indicating the need to address attention to diversity in the rest of the academic cycles of the training of teachers who work with early childhood, to generate changes at a macro, meso and micro level in society, reduce inequalities and promote respect and attention to diversity from the empowerment of an inclusive culture at an early age.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Vintimilla, J. M. ., Pillajo Tufiño, M. A. ., Garrido Sacán, J. E. ., & Bosisio, A. (2024). Attention to diversity from the training of Early Education teachers. Revista Iberoamericana De Investigación En Educación, (8).