The professional abilities related with the dysfunctions of the language in the teacher's logopeda formation


  • María Carla Pallí Puente
  • José Antonio Colomé Medina
  • Yudarki Navarro Pérez


professional abilities, dysfunctions of the language, logopedas formation


The formation of the professionals for the education demands the bring up to date of the knowledge starting from the investigation and the innovation that it allows the students the development of professional abilities related with the field of action of its future work. The teacher logopeda in his professional activity gives solution to the problems related with the attention integral logopédica of the educandos with dysfunctions of the language and the communication. The present article was carried out in the University of Matanzas like part of the investigative process of postgrad studies and the scientific-methodological work of the career community and he/she has as objective to socialize the results of the treatment of the aphasia like professional ability in the teacher's logopeda formation in the diagnosis stage. The application of the methods, the observation and the interview allowed to obtain as results the insufficient domain of knowledge and abilities for the diagnosis logopédico and the modelación from the attention integral logopédica when determining the techniques and exercises for the studied protocol. In the carried out study you concludes that the students of the career Licentiate in Education Logopedia, presented an insufficient development of the professional abilities related with the treatment of the aphasia.


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How to Cite

Pallí Puente, M. C., Colomé Medina, J. A. ., & Navarro Pérez , Y. . (2024). The professional abilities related with the dysfunctions of the language in the teacher’s logopeda formation. Revista Iberoamericana De Investigación En Educación, (8). Retrieved from