Improvement proposal: articulation between kindergarten and First Basic for the development of the reading process


  • Norma Jofré Hernández
  • Paola Vega Barrera
  • Alejandro Pérez Carvajal



Articulation, development of the reading process, progression of learning objectives and teaching strategies


The objective of the research is to design a proposal to improve the progression of learning objectives and didactic strategies for the development of the pre-reading stage of kindergarten and the beginning reading stage in first grade, given that low achievement has been evidenced. in the reading domain in the school context. The lack of articulation between the educational levels where the development of the reading process begins was detected. The qualitative methodology with a case study design collects data in three Subsidized Private Educational Establishments in Santiago de Chile, through interviews with Heads of technical pedagogical units and teachers. In addition, information is used from the results of external standardized measurements in reading and its existing articulation between educational levels. The results allowed us to develop a proposal to improve the articulation of learning objectives and strategies for the development of the pre-reading stage of Kindergarten and the reading stage in First Grade. The conclusions allow us to appreciate that articulation favors collaborative and practical work to define methods, learning objectives and strategies to achieve an educational trajectory articulated between both levels.


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How to Cite

Jofré Hernández, N., Vega Barrera, P. ., & Pérez Carvajal, A. . (2024). Improvement proposal: articulation between kindergarten and First Basic for the development of the reading process. Revista Iberoamericana De Investigación En Educación, (8).